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Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates, LLP
Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates, LLP
Lewis Levine, MD
Richard Klein, MD
David Kirschenbaum, MD
Shawn Sieler, MD
Kirschenbaum and Sieler, LLC
David Kirschenbaum, MD
Shawn Sieler, MD
September 4, 2020

Are You At Risk For Spinal Injuries?

About 200,000 people live with spinal injuries in the United States today. Let’s take a closer look to see if you are at risk for spinal injuries.

Have You Recently Experienced Trauma?

Motor vehicle accidents are the number one cause of spinal injuries for people under the age of 65. If you have experienced motor vehicle trauma recently and haven’t been looked at by a doctor, you should make an appointment right away. The pain you have may not seem severe at the moment but can still be a sign of a spinal injury.

The Elderly

For those who are 65 and older, falls are the leading cause of spinal injuries. As older people experience balancing problems and weak knees and legs, it is easy for them to accidentally fall, leading to a spinal injury. If you have fallen recently and haven’t seen a doctor, you should do so immediately. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Sports and Recreation

Sports and recreational activities are also leading causes of spinal injuries for young people. If you play a sport or are very active, you should see a doctor at least annually, if not every six months. Being very active is wonderful, but unfortunately, accidents do happen and you may be at risk for spinal injuries. If you have an injury or have chronic pain from playing sports, you should see a doctor and get checked out. Catching a spinal injury before it worsens is vital. The quicker your doctor can find a solution to the problem, the quicker you will be able to recover and get back to your normal life.

Contact Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates Today!

If you think you may have a spinal injury, contact Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates today. We specialize in surgery of the hand and upper extremities, minimally invasive joint replacements, reconstructive surgery, arthroscopic surgery, tendon repair, hip resurfacing, ankle replacements, and disorders of the foot and ankle.

Our physicians have extensive experience and training in general orthopedic surgery and are ready to help you make a speedy, safe recovery. If you would like to make an appointment with us, click here or give us a call at (732) 238-8800. Our team is ready to resolve your injury and get you back on track.

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