Orthopedic Blog

Five Key Factors to a Full Recovery After Surgery
October 1, 2020
Want to spend less time in recovery? We at Mid Atlantic Orthopedic, created these five key factors that are critical to a full recovery after surgery.

Are You At Risk For Spinal Injuries?
September 4, 2020
About 200,000 people live with spinal injuries in the United States today. Let’s take a closer look to see if you are at risk for spinal injuries.

The Difference Between a Break and Fracture
August 7, 2020
You may have heard people talk about bone fractures and broken bones. The terms are actually interchangeable and both refer to a bone that has been shattered, often by excessive force.

Most Common Injuries in the Summer
July 3, 2020
Warm days and sunny skies entice us to be outside. The long days of summer give us an excuse to stay outside for long periods of time doing all sorts of activities.

Are You At Risk For Knee Injury?
June 2, 2020
The knee is one of the most common body parts to be injured. Even if you are extremely careful, you still could be at risk for knee injuries depending on how active you are and if you have any pre-existing conditions. Let’s take a look at what could put you at risk for knee injuries.

Playing Tennis After A Shoulder Injury
May 3, 2020
Fewer things bug an athlete more than an injury. The worst, of course, comes when you injure a body part that is one of the main appendages you use in your sport.