A knee dislocation occurs when one or more of the three bones that make up the structure of the knee move out of place. Causes of knee dislocation range from birth defects (rare) to injuries (most common).
If your knee becomes dislocated, you may notice swelling and bruising, intense pain that doesn’t allow you to move your leg, and bones that look to be out of place.
To treat dislocated knees, our specialists at Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates either pop the bones back to their initial position or perform surgery if surrounding tissues are damaged by the dislocation.
Read on to learn more about the most common causes of knee dislocations.
If your knee collides with another object or person, the impact may cause your kneecap to pop out of place. Moving at high speeds in one direction and then switching directions quickly may also put too much pressure on your knee bones, increasing the risk of dislocation.
Malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies can raise your risk for dislocations, especially if you’re a woman past the age of 50. Getting enough calcium, vitamin K2, and vitamin D are essential for maintaining bone health as you age and your bones lose their density.
Weakened muscles around the kneecap put more pressure on the knee, increasing the risk of dislocations. Muscles can weaken due to a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged bed rest, and a diet low in protein.
Being overweight or obese significantly increases the amount of pressure on the knees, making even simple movements such as climbing stairs demanding. Obesity is associated with more severe dislocations that cause damage to the veins near the knee.
Studies suggest that participating in sports that involve moving at high speeds and engaging in high-risk movements (e.g., snowboarding, skateboarding, and skiing) may increase your risk for hip and knee dislocations.
Depending on the cause of your knee dislocations, our experts may recommend a series of special exercises to strengthen the muscles around your kneecap. However, our experts may recommend surgery if ligaments, nerves, or blood vessels are damaged due to the dislocation.
If your knees keep dislocating, contact us to schedule an appointment at Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates in East Brunswick, New Jersey. We can help you determine the cause of your knee dislocation and suggest treatments and procedures that can improve your life quality.