Foot pains can make going through your daily activities unpleasant, and injuries can sideline you for days or even weeks. Sometimes, a foot injury can even get so severe that your only option is to have surgery to correct it. Here are some of the more common foot injuries that can lead to surgery.
You’ve probably never heard this term before, but you are more than likely familiar with the conditions that it can cause. Hallux valgus is the name given to a deformity that manifests as a bony bump that forms on your foot at the base of the big toe. This bump leads to your toes bending in painful and unusual ways.
If the big toe bends out of place, it is known as a “bunion.” If the hallux valgus causes other toes to bend in unusual ways, it can be referred to as “hammer toe” or “clawed toe” depending on which toes are bending and where.
In all cases, this is often a preventable condition that is caused by poor show choices. It can sometimes be fixed by wearing sensible shoes, but often will need surgery to be corrected.
Another common foot injury that can lead to surgery is plantar fasciitis. This is a painful condition caused by an inflammation of the plantar fascia – the tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes. This tissue is often damaged or inflamed by poor shoe choices, excessive wear and tear, or incorrect exercise practices.
People who enjoy running or jogging are at a higher risk for this condition due to the chronic stress put on their feet, and those who do not run properly, stretch properly, or wear the right shoes are even more in jeopardy.
Again, this can be fixed sometimes through non-surgical means, but often surgery is performed to alleviate the inflammation and fix the damage.
Tibialis posterior dysfunction is another condition caused by inflammation – this time involving the tendon that connects tissues involved in your instep arch. The resulting condition is incredibly painful and often leads to surgery that can put you in a cast for up to 12 weeks.
Feet and ankles are easily overstressed, which can lead to various sprains and breaks. While sprains usually heal on their own, and breaks can sometimes be set without actual surgery, in extreme cases, each surgery might be required to make sure all involved tissues and bones are set in the right place and able to heal properly.
In all of these cases, it’s important to have the most experienced and knowledgeable professionals working on your case. If you need consultation regarding a foot injury, please contact us at Mid Atlantic Orthopedic Associates today!